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Truck Accident Lawyer for Shelby County Kentucky

Shelby County Vehicle Accident Attorneys Focus on Truck Accidents

Lawyer for Vicitmes Injured in Commercial Vehicle Wrecks in Shelbyville and Shelby County Kentucky

State and local authorities closely monitor the trucking industry to help ensure that semi-trucks and other commercial vehicles operate safely through regulations regarding truck maintenance, driver eligibility, cargo capacity, and many others.

Getting into an accident with a large truck is a very traumatic experience. Injuries from semi-truck accidents are often much more serious than those from passenger cars, because of the size, weight, and momentum of commercial trucks. For example, it can take up to three times longer for a semi-truck to stop than a regular car, depending on the speed it is traveling, and trucks have many more and much larger blind spots than passenger cars do, restricting their ability to see small vehicles that may be directly behind or running beside them.

Duty of Care

Drivers of passenger cars have to duty of care to keep a proper lookout for each other, comply with applicable traffic laws, and using all reasonable means necessary to avoid an accident. But the courts demand a much higher duty of care for semi-trailer truck drivers, based upon state and federal regulations in place for truckers, and evidence of negligence. When a truck driver violates a state or federal regulation that that violation causes injury to others, courts sometimes consider the violation to be automatic proof of negligence.

Injured in a Truck Accident? We Can Help

If you suffered serious injuries in an accident in Shelby County, Kentucky because of a truck driver’s negligence, contact Thomas, Dodson & Wolford, PLLC online or call 502-426-1700 to schedule your free initial consultation with one of our accident attorneys today. We offer a high degree of personal attention to each of our clients, and handle truck accident cases on a contingency basis – if we don’t recover damages for you, you don’t owe us a fee. Call today.

Meet Personal Injury Attorney John C. Dodson

John C. Dodson Attorney

John C. Dodson

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So, whether you need help negotiating a full and fair insurance settlement for a personal injury, are ready to take your first step in starting a business, buying a home or commercial property or are involved in a business dispute turn to the legal professionals at Thomas, Dodson & Wolford, PLLC. Call us at 502-426-1700 or send an email to arrange an initial consultation at no cost. For probate, estate administration and estate planning, call 502-426-1402.