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Truck Accident Attorney for Bullitt County

Attorneys Fight for Those Injured in Truck Accidents in Bullitt County Kentucky

KentuckyI Law Firm Focuses on Tractor-Trailer Collisions

According to a study by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), operators of commercial trucks are 10 times more liable to cause an accident, as compared to other factors, such as adverse weather, poor road conditions, and faulty vehicle performance.

The FMCSA study also concluded that action (or inaction) by truck drivers was the cause of approximately 88 percent of collisions. The most common causes of trucking accidents are driver fatigue and sleep deprivation.

Duties of Truck Drivers

Commercial truck drivers are required to operate their trucks in a safe manner on U.S. roads and interstates. Federal laws closely regulate the trucking industry, with stringent requirements for truck drivers, trucking companies, and truck manufacturers. In addition to extensive licensing requirements, federal trucking laws also regulate the number of hours a truck driver may drive at one stretch.

Do I Need to Hire an Attorney?

Truck accidents are usually much more complex than a typical automobile accident for a number of reasons:

  • The driver might work for a large trucking company that is represented by a large truck insurance company.
  • The goods being transported by the truck may also be insured, involving another insurance company.
  • Truck insurance companies typically conduct widespread investigations of crashes involving trucks and have a team of lawyers.

Taking all this on alone, without the help of an experienced truck accident attorney, is usually not a wise idea and can result in a reduced recovery for an injured plaintiff, or no recovery at all.

Contact an Experienced Bullitt County Personal Injury Law Firm Today

Were you seriously injured in an accident with a commercial truck in the Bullitt County, Kentucky? Contact the injury attorneys at Thomas, Dodson & Wolford, PLLC online or call 502-426-1700 to schedule your free initial consultation and discuss your case today. There is never a fee unless you collect!

We are ready to stand in your corner and fight for fair compensation for your commercial vehicle accident injuries. At Thomas, Dodson & Wolford, PLLC, we serve injured clients in Shepherdsville, Mt. Washington, Lebanon junction, and other communities throughout Bullitt County, Kentucky.

Meet Personal Injury Attorney John C. Dodson

John C. Dodson Attorney

John C. Dodson

Free Initial Consultation

So, whether you need help negotiating a full and fair insurance settlement for a personal injury, are ready to take your first step in starting a business, buying a home or commercial property or are involved in a business dispute turn to the legal professionals at Thomas, Dodson & Wolford, PLLC. Call us at 502-426-1700 or send an email to arrange an initial consultation at no cost. For probate, estate administration and estate planning, call 502-426-1402.